Focus: Indonesian nickel slag production line with an annual output of 300,000 tons on-site

November 2015, through a number of industrial waste grinding and processing equipment enterprises in China to conduct field visits, repeated comparison, the Indonesian steel group finally choseChaeng(Xinxiang Great Wall) with an annual output of 300,000 tons of nickel slag powder production line project contract. The annual output of 300,000 tons of nickel slag powder total package project in November 2016 completed and put into production!

1. Project Overview

In recent years, Southeast Asian countries to accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure, infrastructure construction in the ascendant, industrialization, urbanization process vigorously promote, especially Indonesia's steel demand. Metallurgical production caused by a large number of industrial waste dumping will result in serious occupation of land, polluted soil, water pollution and a series of social problems.

In order to solve a large number of industrial waste dumping problem, Indonesian Su Steel Group decided to build an annual output of 300,000 tons of nickel slag powder production line. After repeated visits and repeated comparison, November 10, 2015, the Indonesian Su Steel Group, choose the Chaeng signed an annual output of 300,000 tons of nickel slag powder production line project total EPC contract.

May 11, 2016, the project vertical roller mill host, auxiliary, accessories, etc. sent to Indonesia.

In June 2016, the project started construction.

September 2016, project design, construction and equipment manufacturing phase has been successfully completed, equipment installation, commissioning near the end.

November 3, 2016, the project completed and put into production.

2. The operation

The project by the load operation, when the output of 50 tons, the surface area of 450 ㎡/kg, production and quality to meet the design requirements.

3. Customer evaluation

Indonesian SuGang Group is very satisfied with the service of Chaeng, praising Chaeng "excellent quality, first-class skills, well-equipped, sophisticated construction."

4. The design

The production line program is used in Chaeng launched a new "1 vertical mill 8 service" service model, that is, ore powder line 2.0 system. Slag powder production line 2.0 system from the initial production line design, color matching technology to the vertical mill configuration of environmental protection and other aspects have greatly improved.

Chaeng "1 vertical mill 8 services" include: raw material testing, program design, equipment manufacturing, equipment installation, equipment commissioning, technical training, production standards, production contracting eight aspects.

Chaeng slag Powder production Line 2.0 system, the main color of the production line from the original red, gray updated to Lake blue, on behalf of Chaeng Technology, efficient product brand and solid corporate image, but also the concept of sustainable development of Chaeng expression .

nickel slag production line .jpg

5. The project display


Figure: Indonesia annual output of 300,000 tons of nickel slag production line host


Figure: Indonesia annual output of 300,000 tons of nickel slag production line host


Figure: Indonesia annual output of 300,000 tons of nickel slag production line host


Figure: Indonesia annual output of 300,000 tons of nickel slag production line host