Great Wall Steel Casting has won certificates of three system certification

Recently, Great Wall Steel Casting has won environmental management system certification and occupational health and safety management system certification and won quality management system certification again, which marks that Great Wall Steel Casting has developed a set of scientific and perfect management system and the management in environmental protection, working environment and product quality has met the national related standards.

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In quality management, Great Wall Steel Casting has the complete and quality assurance system. Great Wall Steel Casting adopts GS-1000 direct-reading spectrometer, three element analyzer impact testing machine and other advanced testing equipment of Germany OBLF company to carry out 360°non-destructive testing system.

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In environmental protection, Great Wall Steel Casting on the one hand obsoletes backward equipment and processing to improve the technological content of products and reduce resource consumption, on the other hand complies with environmental laws and regulations in the process of manufacturing to try our best to reduce the damage to the environment with the development concept of “green casting”.

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In employee health and safety management, Great Wall Steel Casting always insists the “people-oriented” management concept. Great Wall Steel Casting takes the health of employees as an important work and actively creates safe and comfortable working environment for employees.

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Certificates obtained of quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management three system certification mark that management level of Great Wall Steel Casting has risen to a new step. In future, Great Wall Steel Casting will continue to strictly enforce national standards and industrial standards, strengthen process control and delicacy management and constantly perfect the management system to provide higher quality products and services for customers.