How to choose waste slag grinding vertical roller mill or ball mill manufacturer?

Vertical mill, ball mill is slag, steel slag, nickel slag and other waste slag preparation of key equipment, its quality directly determines whether the normal operation of the production line. Therefore, in the choice of waste slag grinding equipment suppliers, we must look at whether it has spare parts supply and production capacity, so as not to follow-up replacement parts, maintenance of spare parts to bring all kinds of trouble, delay the normal production.

"Has the spare part production and the casting base supply company really is so important? Below, we takes the Chaeng (Xinxiang Great Wall Machinery) as the example, for you eleven road comes!

First, the quality of waste slag grinding equipment is guaranteed

Modern factories, sophisticated equipment, advanced technology is to create quality products that guarantee. Chaeng has the same industry in a few large-scale steel casting base, mechanical processing equipment, well-equipped, such as the current domestic machinery industry's largest and most advanced 6m × 6m × 16.5 m cylinder overall electric heating automatic control annealing furnace. Grinding table, grinding roller, rocker arm and other vertical mill main components and gears, hollow shaft and other ball mill main spare parts from casting to finished products, as well as the complete set of production line system auxiliary equipment, such as dust collector, petrol station, Standard pipelines, are made by the company, so as to ensure that the entire processing equipment quality.

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Second, shorten the supply time of waste slag grinding equipment

The strength of the large cast steel casting processing equipment to ensure that the product manufacturing cycle, so that Chaeng with specialized, batch production advantages, in ensuring the quality of products under the premise of shortening the supply of waste grinding equipment. Such as the Chaeng will mill to ensure delivery within 4-6 months, at the same time, you can ensure that the entire production line construction cycle shortened to 6-8 months or so.

The slag production line is Xinxiang Xinxing cement plant the third EPC project with an annual output of 600,000 tons of slag powder production line built by Chaeng. The production line in November 2013 and Chaeng began negotiations, December 1, formally signed the contract, in February 2014 delivery, March 30, 2014 formally put into operation. From start to put into production lasted less than 4 months, setting the industry's shortest delivery time record.

Third, the waste slag grinding equipment, easy maintenance later

According to market research, some customers in the production of waste slag often encounter post-maintenance responsibility prevarication, no door-to-door service, no replacement parts and other problems, to produce a serious impact. Chaeng based on large-scale steel casting as the basis, providing auxiliary equipment production and processing equipment, as well as complete sets of grinding equipment accessories, completely solve this problem, the original host, the original spare parts, allowing you to use more confidence and peace of mind.

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High-performance waste slag grinding equipment, is the production of quality basic guarantee. Therefore, the customer should be a comprehensive inspection, many considerations, only the choice of reliable waste slag grinding equipment manufacturers in order to protect the normal operation of the latter part of the production equipment.