High vibrations
Potential causes:
Too many fines in mill feed
Material bed on grinding table not stable
Proposed solutions:
Increase feed size
Adjust crushers
Maybe eliminate a crusher
Expected results:
Less vibrations
Less fine fractions in mill feed
Lower crushing costs (energy, wear, maintenance)
Estimated costs:
Implementation time:
High amount of false air
Potential causes:
Defects on external seals
Proposed solutions:
Improve maintenance
Expected results:
Improved drying of mill product
Reduced specific power consumption (fans)
Estimated costs:
Implementation time:
Dynamic seal not working effectively
Potential causes:
Seal space too big
Possible damages on seal
Proposed solutions:
Improve maintenance (check status of seal more frequently)
Repair damages
Expected results:
Less coarse mill product
Reduced specific power consumption
Estimated costs:
Implementation time: